Tuesday, July 07, 2009

My New Love : Foxit PDF Reader

Long time no blogging. With lot happening in the job market, finance market, domestic front, I could not blog much. Hope you have been missing me :)
Anyways I just wanted to share my love for new pdf reader I have been using. I thought ADOBE was the only PDF reader available with the fancy features. Following have been my wish list items for ADOBE reader:
1.It should allow me to highlight the text, underline the text as I read my IBM red books
2. It should allow saving of any PDF forms with the filled in data so that I could re-use the data

Correct me if I am wrong, I could not do the above with ADOBE PDF reader. Then I came across Foxit reader which would perform the above and many more. If you know it already please spread the word. If not please try Foxit reader for Windows.
Hope you enjoy it.